Press Release

BME approves the distribution of a gross €0.40 per share interim dividend

To be paid on September 16th

28 July, 2016

The Board of Directors of BME today agreed to distribute a gross €0.40 per share dividend on September 16, its first interim dividend against 2016 earnings.

This dividend represents the same amount as that paid in September 2015.

Following the entry into force of the Reform of Clearing and Settlement in Spain, the date on which the shareholders entitled to receive a dividend are determined will be 15 September (record-date) and the ex-date for the BME shares will be 13 September. Therefore the last day to buy a share in BME that includes to right to a dividend will be 12 September.

BME’s pay-out in 2015 came in at 93%, one of the highest ratios among listed companies and among its peers.

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