Press Release

MAB welcomes NETEX

31 October, 2017
  • There are 82 companies listed on MAB

MAB today welcomed NETEX to its segment for growth companies. It is the 15TH company to join this market so far this year and the 82nd listed on MAB.

The Deputy-Chairman and General Manager of MAB, Jesús González-Nieto, stated: "the listing of this new company, NETEX, is great news and confirms the consolidation and growth registered by the MAB market, on which 130 capital increases worth approximately €1 billion have been carried out since it started”.

Over the last three years the companies listed on MAB have posted much higher growth rates than their Spanish peers. Sales and EBITDA posted by MAB companies have grown at annual average rates of 32% and 46% respectively.

Norgestiónis acting as Registered Adviser and Bankinter Securities as Liquidity Provider

The photos of the listing of NETEX on MAB are available on Flickr, with high-resolution images, through this link:

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