The nineteenth edition of the Medcap Forum concluded today after more than 1,100 private meetings and Discovery meetings between investors and companies. This is 30% more than in the last edition. Once again this year, the benchmark event for the investment community and small and mid-cap companies has allowed a better understanding of this segment of the market. More than 800 people attended the Forum in person, while another 600 followed the panels via streaming. Of the latter, about half followed the panels in English.
"We are very satisfied with the evolution of the Forum this year. The more than 130 registered investors (of which 25% are international) have been able to learn more about the plans of the more than 110 companies in attendance and, in parallel, we have been able to listen to reflections on current issues. Thanks to events like this one, BME promotes the visibility of small and mid-cap listed companies, some of which may be the blue chips of the future, and all of which are important generators of employment and economic growth," explains Jesús González, managing director of BME Growth.
For the first time, this year's Medcap Forum has measured its carbon impact with various initiatives such as a survey to find out how participants arrive at the event. By monitoring the sources of emissions, potential savings measures will be identified to achieve carbon neutrality in the future. The objective of this initiative, which has been carried out with the help of Mediatree, is for the Forum to become a Carbon Neutral Event.
Deloitte has been the main sponsor of the Medcap Forum, while Renta 4 Banco, Norbolsa, GVC Gaesco, EthicFinance Ratings, World Television (WTV), Morningstar and Mediatree were sponsors, and CFA Society Spain, the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts and Atribus were collaborators.
BME's support to the visibility of smaller companies is complemented by other initiatives such as the meetings with international investors that we organize every year in cities such as Paris, Frankfurt, Geneva or New York; the Pre-Market Environment, which helps prepare companies that are thinking
of going public, or the initiative of the analysis firm Lighthouse, which BME promotes together with the IEA and which offers coverage of companies that are orphans in the market.
You can revisit the panels and all the information about the event on their website. Photos from the three days of the Medcap Forum are available here.