BME’s fixed income market, AIAF, today admitted a new 1 billion euro sustainable syndicated public issue by the Madrid regional government. This issue, the sixth of this kind launched by the Madrid regional administration, is a new sustainability benchmark for the region and contributes to building the sustainable curve of this issuer.
For the launch of new sustainable issues, the Madrid regional government follows its Sustainable Finance Framework, which has a second party opinion from Sustainalytics Agency, the Green Bond Principles, the Social Bond Principles and the 2018 Sustainability Bond Guidelines published by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN.
The bonds, which have a 1.723% coupon, have a redemption date of 30 April 2032 and were placed by Banco Sabadell, BBVA, CaixaBank, Credit Agricole, HSBC and Banco Santander.
The Madrid region is rated Baa1, stable outlook, by Moody's; A-, positive outlook, by S&P; and A-, positive outlook, by DBRS.
Gonzalo Gómez Retuerto, General Manager of BME Renta Fija, explains that "BME's Fixed Income markets are supporting the rise of sustainable finance, which is increasingly demanded from investors and arouses a growing interest from public and private issuers".
With this issue, the outstanding balance of ESG issues registered in BME's Fixed Income markets amounts to 98.4 billion euros. You can check them all at: