For yet another year, BME joins the celebration of Financial Literacy Day, an initiative in which it has participated since it was created in 2015 and which dedicates the first Monday of October to raising awareness of the importance of financial knowledge in our daily lives. BME is affiliated to the Financial Education Plan promoted by the CNMV, the Bank of Spain and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. Instituto BME held yesterday three webinars on this year's central theme, inclusive finance. In addition, today BME has published an academic study by two researchers from the University of Oviedo that addresses the impact of financial education on household economies.
More than 1400 people followed online the webinars organized by Instituto BME on financial education and disability. Professionals from different entities, foundations, as well as people with some type of disability and the family members who live with them, shared their reflections on issues such as citizenship and inclusive finances or financial planning for people with disabilities.
You can watch those webinars again at this link.
“Promoting financial literacy among the entire population is one of the pillars of BME's commitment to sustainability. A society with more financial training is always a society more prepared to make better decisions in its daily life, which will have a favorable impact on family economies and, therefore, on the economy as a whole," explains Enrique Castellanos, director of the Institute. BME.
BME channels its commitment to financial education through the BME Institute, its training center whose classrooms have seen more than 135.000 students since its creation. In addition, since 2021, BME also has Brainex, a 100% online financial education center with courses for all types of profiles, from people who want to acquire basic knowledge to professionals in the financial sector.
Coinciding with Financial Literacy Day, BME also has published the academic study Financial Education: advances and challenges of research, by the professors and researchers of the University of Oviedo Irma Martínez-García and Silvia Gómez-Ansón. Among the report's conclusions, the positive effect of financial education on individual wealth via investment and on household economies stands out, or the fact that people with more financial culture are more aware of retirement planning. The study also analyzes the gender gap in financial culture, among other issues of interest.
The study (only available in Spanish) can be found at this link.